
Using instructions

Instructions are preset prompts that help you quickly make specific types of requests to IntelliBar. Think of them as shortcuts for commonly used prompts or ways of asking questions.

How to Use Instructions

  1. Type / in IntelliBar
  2. Select the desired instruction from the dropdown list
  3. Add your specific question or request

Common Use Cases

You can use instructions to set:

  • topic — ex: /mac for macOS-related questions
  • format — ex: /code to get a code-only response or /table to get a response in a table format
  • attitude — ex: /contrarian to get a contrarian response
  • approach — ex: /think-first to ask the model to think and explain its reasoning before answering
  • perspective — ex: /oscar-wilde to get a response from the perspective of someone like Oscar Wilde

Default Instruction

You can also use instructions to set the default instruction — this is the instruction that will be used when you don't specify one. To set the default instruction, edit the ~/.intellibar/ file.

How to Add, Edit, or Delete Instructions

Instructions are stored as .md files in ~/.intellibar.

You can:

  • Create a new .md file in the ~/.intellibar folder
  • Edit existing files using any text editor
  • Delete files you no longer need